Stories Of Hope
Sharyn Di Ubaldo
Sharyn is the mother of two boys. Her eldest son James was born three months prematurely, suffered brain damage at birth and was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy. She lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and college sweetheart, Chris. In this episode of our ’Stories of Hope’ interviews, Sharyn speaks very personally about her journey coming to terms with James’s disability.
After receiving James’s diagnosis, Sharyn felt like her dream of having a perfect, healthy family was quickly taken away from her and all she could see at the time was a future of stress, struggle and unhappiness. This consumed her and was preventing her from enjoying her life and motherhood until she came across a revolutionary understanding about life that changed everything for her.
Sharyn now shares her experience with other parents of children with special needs in hopes to show them that not only is a happy and extremely fulfilling life still possible for them, but that it’s inevitable once they’re pointed in the right direction.
Sharyn is a certified Transformative Coach and helps others struggling with stress and anxiety using the same simple approach that freed her when nothing else would.